About me

Living in rural Northumberland the outdoors has always been part of my life. I enjoy exploring my local area and further afield. Seeing changes in the landscape as time goes by, discovering and exploring new places and the solitude that these places often bring are my main motivations for getting out and going for a walk.
I enjoy walking in, and seeking out undiscovered corners of the countryside and coast of Northumberland and wandering around the streets of grand and not-so-grand towns and cities. My favourite place to walk is the Lake District. The scenery the fells provide combined with their relative compactness, the variation of the terrain and the ease of access which its popularity justifies add up to make somewhere I want to keep going back to to and exploring further and spending time in.
About this site
My aim with this website is to share the stories of my adventures and what I find and discover whilst on them. I enjoy taking photographs and recording what I see and what I find interesting and learning new things about places old and new.
I want to develop the site by adding more pages and areas over time and also to add blog posts of walks that I’ve done in the past which are I think are worth adding.
About the photos I use
The majority of the photos I use on this site have been taken by me and I ask that you don’t use them without permission. I am an active contributor to the Geograph Project so a lot of the photos I use here I will also upload to Geograph at a higher resolution than I use here. All the photos on Geograph are free to reuse under this Creative Commons licence and there over 4 million of them. I will endeavour to ensure that any other content I use is properly accredited.
All the photos used on The Path Less Walked are © Graham Robson 2015 unless otherwise stated and should not be used elsewhere without permission.
About my walks

I tend to plan all my walks in advance as I can find as much enjoyment staring at maps spread out on the floor imagining journeys yet to be had as actually being outside and walking. That being said, I don’t always stick to my plans and often add bits on if something piques my interest or chop bits off depending on the weather, time constraints or my mood.
My walking tends to be at quite a fast pace, not because I like to hurry, but because I find I’m always keen to find out what’s around the next corner and experience tells me that I’m not often overtaken by others when out and about.
Although I plan my walks to use public footpaths, bridleways, roads and open access land I don’t guarantee that wherever I’ve been is accessible to the public. Rights of way change, waymarkers disappear, get missed or hidden in undergrowth, and sometimes, probably more often than I’d like to admit, I simply get lost!
Finally I’d like to say that under no circumstances should you attempt to follow a walk I’ve done without planning it yourself first and being certain you can actually complete the walk taking into account the weather conditions, the time of year, and your level of skills and fitness.
To contact me email Graham@thepathlesswalked.co.uk